
pp电子极速糖果's Department of Physical and Environmental Science Geosciences program offers bachelor-level 学位s in 地质, 环境地质学和中等教育以及未成年人地质学, 流域科学与地理信息科学与技术. 还提供地质学副学士学位. 地理信息系统T项目还提供专业证书.


  • 希望接受以地球科学为重点的文科教育
  • 希望毕业后继续攻读研究生学位
  • 渴望在工业、政府机构或咨询行业从事专业工作
  • 希望在中学教育中教授地球科学

pp电子极速糖果坐落在落基山脉和科罗拉多高原之间的地质天堂. 我们的课程非常注重实地考察,包括课堂实地考察,如崎岖的地方, 冰川雕刻的圣胡安山脉, 科罗拉多河, 世界闻名的书崖, 拱门和峡谷地, 甘尼森的黑峡谷和科罗拉多国家纪念碑的惊人构造. 我们的地理位置也为CMU学生提供了全国最好的实地学习机会. 每年, 我们项目的学生参加了西坡野外会议和亚当·特朗博纪念实地考察.

地球科学项目也有一个强大的合作伙伴关系与大交界处地质学会, which affords students with the opportunity to attend monthly lectures by professional geologists as well as provides students with potential scholarship awards. 适合对古生物学感兴趣的学生, 地球科学项目也与西部科罗拉多博物馆有着密切的联系, 哪个学校提供实习机会,包括实地和实验室古生物学研究. 地球科学项目也有一个活跃的美国石油地质学家协会学生分会.

The 本科 of Science 学位 with a major in Geosciences and a concentration in 地质 is designed for students who (1) desire a strong liberal arts education with emphasis on the earth sciences, (2)希望攻读地质学的研究生学位, 或(3)希望从事专业或技术地球科学职业. Recent graduates are attending graduate programs at major universities or have entered the work force as geological technicians or professional geologists. 教学在一个拥有几个教学实验室的最先进的科学综合设施中进行, 项目室, 计算机应用实验室, petrology-mineralogy实验室, 岩石储存设施和样品制备室. Most classes have a strong field component so that students benefit from the diverse geological setting of the Grand Junction area. 设备包括研究岩石显微镜, 双目显微镜, x射线衍射仪, x射线荧光, 全球定位系统装置, 本地地震台网和磁力计. 计算机设施包括带有通信软件的个人电脑系统, 数据库管理, 文字处理, 地理信息系统(地理信息系统)和地质统计学. Students engage in a capstone research project/thesis during their senior year that involves independent research and the completion of a professional report and presentation. 学生发展专业技能,并为未来的雇主或研究生院完成他们的工作组合.


The 本科 of Science 学位 with a major in Geosciences and a concentration in 环境地质 is designed for students who (1) desire a strong liberal arts education with emphasis on environmental issues within the earth sciences, (2)希望攻读环境地质学的研究生学位, 或(3)希望从事专业或技术地球科学职业. The 环境地质 option has the same basic framework as the 地质 concentration with a stronger emphasis on geologic hazards, 地下水和地表水水文学, 生物系统, 以及环境科学. Recent graduates are attending graduate programs at major universities or have entered the work force as geological technicians or professional geologists. Most classes have a strong field component so that students benefit from the diverse geological setting of the Grand Junction area. 可用的设备包括水文研究设备,如流量计, 流表, 测量设备和GPS装置. Students engage in a capstone research project/thesis during their senior year that involves independent research and the completion of a professional report and presentation. This capstone experience develops professional skills and provides students with a portfolio of their work for future employers or graduate schools.


The Geosciences secondary licensure 学位 is structured for graduates to pursue teaching careers at the middle or high school level. The basic curriculum includes all of the major topics within a traditional geology program while also incorporating teacher education courses required for licensure by the state of Colorado. 学位课程包括基础化学、物理和生物. Instruction takes place in a state of the art science complex on campus which houses several instructional laboratories, 项目的房间, 计算机应用实验室, 岩石矿物学实验室和岩石储存设施. 大多数类都包含一个强字段组件, 让学生充分利用大汇合点地区多样的地质环境. 学生可以使用包括研究岩石显微镜在内的部门设备, 双目显微镜, 计算机辅助x射线衍射仪, 扫描电子显微镜, 全球定位系统装置, 短周期和长周期地震仪和磁力计. The secondary licensure program provides teacher education candidates with broad content knowledge in science and prepares them as teachers for grades 7 through 12. A minimum of 75 credit hours of Essential Learning and content area coursework must be completed with a minimum GPA of 2.考生可在80年以前申请入读教师教育中心的中级资格证书课程. 有关录取标准的进一步信息,请参阅教师教育录取资料包. 建造于115年, 成为一名教育者意味着什么, 和EDUC 215, 作为职业的教学, 必须在申请课程之前参加吗. 关于这个学位的重要信息: • 2.CMU所有课程的累积GPA不低于80 • 2.在主要内容领域的课程中,累积平均分达到80分或更高 •所有专业和基础课程要求达到A或C或更高 •所有EDUC预科课程必须以“B”或更高的成绩完成 • Students must pass the PRAXIS II exam in the content area prior to beginning the internship and all other coursework toward the 学位 must be successfully completed prior to the internship


The 地质 小 is designed for students who wish to take additional basic geology courses in support of their 学位 aspirations in other areas. 总共需要21个地质学学分. Most classes have a strong field component so that students can enjoy the diverse geological setting of the Grand Junction area. 实验室工作在最先进的科学综合设施中进行.


The courses are open to all students interested in broadening their knowledge and enhancing job-related skills in a rapidly expanding market of computer-based technology. The multidisciplinary nature of the Geographic Information science and technology allows students from a wide variety of fields to participate in this exciting program. 地理信息科学与技术包括地理信息系统, 全球定位系统, 与遥感. 地理信息系统(地理信息系统)是一种基于计算机的测绘和分析地理空间数据的工具. 地理信息系统技术是信息系统的一个子集,其中数据库由特征组成, 活动, 或者在空间中可以定义为点的事件, 行, 或地区. GPS (Global Positioning System) is a satellite system that allows users to collect precise geographic data for use in mapping. Remote sensing refers to any technique whereby information about objects and the environment is obtained from a distance, 比如从飞机或卫星上. Remote sensing often permits us to greatly expand our spectral view of the earth and “see” the world much more clearly than we can with the unaided eye.


This minor complements majors in physical 以及环境科学 and biology by providing students in these fields with certification of focused coursework. 与相关的B结合.S., 加上额外的微积分和物理课程, 该未成年人满足联邦政府对水文学家资格的要求. 科罗拉多梅萨靠近科罗拉多河, 甘迅尼, 和绿河, 科罗拉多国家纪念碑的排水系统, 高阿罗约为流域科学的研究创造了一个理想的地点.


理学副学士(A.S.)学位是为打算继续学习并获得学士学位的学生设计的. 的一个.S. 对于要修高级数学课程的学生来说,这是合适的选择吗, 生物科学和物理科学. The 学位 program includes the Colorado Statewide Essential Learning Core and meets the lower division Essential Learning requirements at most public institutions in Colorado. 在A中提供了许多重点.S. 学位. Students choosing one of these emphases will take courses in a discipline in addition to the Essential Learning core. 理学副学士(理学学士.S.物理与环境科学系提供以地质学为重点的学位. 该学位为学生在政府和工业中担任地质技术人员做好准备, 或进入pp电子极速糖果或其他四年制大学的地质学学士学位课程. 课程包括地质学基础课程和基础学习课程. 所有的地质学课程都强调科罗拉多州西部和犹他州东部壮观的地质特征.


The courses are open to all students interested in broadening their knowledge and enhancing job-related skills in a rapidly expanding market of computer-based technology. The multidisciplinary nature of the geographic information science and technology allows students from a wide variety of fields to participate in this exciting program. 地理信息科学与技术包括地理信息系统, 全球定位系统, 与遥感. 地理信息系统(地理信息系统)是一种基于计算机的测绘和分析地理空间数据的工具. 地理信息系统技术是信息系统的一种特殊情况,其中数据库由特征组成, 活动, 或者在空间中可以定义为点的事件, 行, 或地区. GPS (Global Positioning System) is a satellite system that allows users to collect precise geographic data for use in mapping. Remote sensing refers to any technique whereby information about objects and the environment is obtained from a distance such as aircraft or satellites. The remote sensing often permits us to greatly expand our spectral view of the earth and “see” the world much more clearly than we can with the unaided eye.



  • 环境咨询公司
  • 石油服务公司.e.、录井、定向钻井)
  • 州和联邦机构(美国.S. 美国地质调查局.S. 土地管理局、科罗拉多地质调查局、梅萨县林务局).
许多最近的毕业生也在各种专业能力中利用他们的地理信息系统技能找到了工作.  Other students continue their education in graduate school and several graduates have gone on to receive MS and PhD 学位s. 关于潜在的地球科学职业的一个很好的总结可以从 美国地质学会网站.


在你的项目早期选择一个学术顾问是成功的最重要的关键之一! 要申报主修或副修地质学,请与 艾米O 'Campo 在Wubben科学楼的PES/生物办公室, WS 232. 也可以打970联系到她.248.1993.


地质学学生在课堂外与教授密切合作. 学生通常完成本科研究,并在地区和国家地质学会议上发表演讲.  学生们还参与了一些研究项目,包括前往包括美国实验室在内的研究实验室.S. 美国地质调查局. 亚利桑那激光计时实验室、科罗拉多大学博尔德分校的温度计时实验室和新墨西哥理工大学的氩实验室.


Gray Koenemann graduated with a 地理信息系统T minor and started employment with a local geographic data company as a 地理信息系统 technician. 了解CMU如何帮助他为自己的职业生涯做准备.
